Living Faith - Inspirational Periodicals from Bayard Faith Resources

Living Faith is a collection of periodicals and books from Bayard Faith Resources that provides a comprehensive resource for supporting faith and prayer life. Our publications are designed to help you go deeper with God and grow in your spiritual journey.

A Season of Grace

Lent Devotions for Seniors
Creative Communications for the Parish

We live in God’s grace in every season of our lives. The daily devotions in this large-print special edition for Lent highlight the message and theme of God’s grace to older adult Christian readers. These reflections help seniors remember the grace poured out for them on the Cross of Christ for their salvation and encourage them to share with younger generations the grace that we all receive through Jesus.

Journey With Jesus

Lent Daily Devotions for Families
Creative Communications for the Parish
Elizabeth Foss

Wife, mother of nine, grandmother, life coach and longtime spiritual writer Elizabeth Foss brings her wisdom and grace to the pages of this family devotional. Journey With Jesus is a hopeful walk through Lent with Scripture and simplicity as your guides. Beside daily prayers and reflections, each Sunday offers a practical, achievable activity to gather the family and consider the themes of the season—reconciliation and renewal with God and one another, as families journey with Jesus on the way to the Cross, and ultimately, Easter Sunday.

From Gethsemane to Golgotha

A Scriptural Stations of the Cross
Creative Communications for the Parish
Steve Givens

Gethsemane to Golgotha: A Scriptural Stations of the Cross is a unique approach to the Stations of the Cross for Catholics. Based on those Scripture citations celebrated on Good Friday in 1991 by St. John Paul II, these 14 excerpts from the four Gospels focus on Jesus’ steps to the Cross. These Scripture selections invite a way of reflecting deeply on the accounts of Christ’s passion and death. Using imaginative prayer in the style of St. Ignatius of Loyola that invites readers to place themselves within the Gospel text as observers or participants, spiritual director Steve Givens offers both Scriptural and personal meditations on Jesus’ passion and death. Perfect for personal prayer or group use.

The Path to Hope

Daily Devotions for Lent
Living Faith

In Jubilee 2025, Pope Francis has invited the Church to embark as “Pilgrims of Hope.” This motto for the Jubilee invites every person to make a pilgrimage this year. Some will make physical pilgrimages, but most people will make spiritual ones. As readers journey through Lent, and prepare their hearts for Easter, this devotional booklet takes a deep dive into God’s Word that is filled with hope and directs readers to Jesus, their Savior. He is the hope of the world, and hope of every life on a pilgrimage to heaven.

2025 Lent Prayer Pack

Creative Communications for the Parish

Commit to making prayer a priority in the days leading up to Easter with the Lent Prayer Pack. From devotions inspired by the writing of Henri Nouwen to prayer cards and pocket-sized prayer booklets, there's something for everyone, regardless of age, during this special time of the year.


  • Repent & Believe – devotions for Lent – RB2
  • Lifted Up In Love – devotions for Lent – LD8
  • Hosanna to Hallelujah – devotions for Holy Week – HH5
  • In Jesus’ Name – daily Lenten prayers – WD5
  • Full of Grace – booklet of Marian prayers – FLG
  • Easter prayer card – PCEA
  • Lent prayer card – PCDY
  • John 3:16 Coin – metal coin – ZAC

The bundle makes a great gift idea for friends and family.

Each sold separately.

Living with Christ April–Holy Week 2025

Living With Christ

Living with Christ April/Holy Week 2025 includes all the Mass prayers and Scripture readings for each day, with daily reflections and engaging articles from well-known contemporary writers. This special issue contains a wonderful variety of resources and suggestions that will enhance your own reflection, personal prayer and participation in the liturgy during this holy time.

Holy Week is a powerful time for prayer and meditation on Christ’s Paschal Mystery. A thoughtful gift for parish staff, volunteers, family and loved ones!

Praying with Pope Francis to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Living with Christ


Every year, as tradition dictates, Pope Francis visits the Spanish Steps in Rome to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. On each occasion, he has offered a special prayer to Mary, expressing his devotion and trust in her. 

This collection of Pope Francis’s prayers to Mary from the Spanish Steps invites us to rekindle our own devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to place our faith in her intercession.

Stations of Hope

Praying the Stations of the Cross for Today
Twenty-Third Publications
Fr. David Knight

In this fresh approach to the Stations of the Cross, best-selling author and spiritual leader Fr. David Knight reminds us that hope can be found in the darkest of places and the true power of the crucifixion is the opportunity to transform unimaginable pain and suffering into faith, hope, and love.

What Pope Francis Says About Hope

Jubilee Year of Hope Edition
Twenty-Third Publications


Amid all the stresses, concerns, and fears that affect us today, Pope Francis has spoken widely and often about the virtue of hope, the virtue that helps to ground faith and leads to love. The secret, he says, is realizing that hope is already within us. All we need to do is ask God to strengthen hope in us, and we can share that hope
with others.

The thirty reflections in this special Jubilee Year of Hope booklet highlight Pope Francis’ words on hope—how to find it, how to nurture it, how to give it to others. Each reflection contains a question to ponder and a short prayer to spur your own deeper conversation with God. 

Sunflower Seeds of Hope

Reflections and Prayers to Nourish Your Faith
Sr. Melannie Svoboda

This new book by Sr. Melannie Svoboda is intended for people who are curious about God, the natural world, daily life, spirituality—and the inter-play among them. It’s for people who are drawn to prayer as well as those who struggle with prayer. And for people who are trying to find God in the events and circumstances they see in the world today—and experience in their everyday life.

Pocket Book of Hope

Words of Inspiration
Living with Christ

Where do you find hope in the world today? In this inspiring book, a dozen Catholic writers from different walks of life reflect on where they find hope in their work and in their lives, despite the many challenges and crises that surround us. 

As we embrace the Jubilee Year 2025, whose theme is "Pilgrims of Hope," we can all join in this pilgrimage and look for signs of hope, which "does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us" (Romans 5:5).

Jubilee 2025 Bundle of Hope

Creative Communications for the Parish

Just in time for Pope Francis' declared jubilee, the Jubilee 2025 Bundle of Hope is here to make the spirit of hope the foundation of faith in 2025. Coordinated with the Hope, an Anchor for the Soul-theme, this companion collection features products that promote prayer, meditation, charity and goodwill in church and inspiring Catholics — young, old and every age in between — to be "Pilgrims of Hope."

Includes one of each:

  • 365 Hopeful Devotion for Catholics: Daily Moments With God (HD3)
  • Hope, an Anchor for the Soul, a 30-day devotional (AN4)
  • 30 Days of Hope calendar (APDP)
  • Our Journey of Hope family conversation cards (YHA)
  • Pilgrims of Hope: Jubilee Year 2025 trifold (YHZ)

Each item is also sold separately.

Hope: An Anchor for the Soul

30 Daily Devotions
Creative Communications for the Parish
Amy Welborn

In sync with the 2025 Jubilee Year, popular author Amy Welborn takes readers on a 30-day personal pilgrimage of hope. Each day’s devotional reflection is anchored by Scripture, prayerful reminders, encouragement and virtuous actions for grounding readers in Christian hope and equipping them to grow in hope and bring that hope to the world. Perfect for any time of year!

Also available as a digital download from Amazon Kindle and Nook by Barnes and Noble.

Constant Hope

Reflections and Meditations to Strengthen the Spirit
Twenty-Third Publications
Sr. Joyce Rupp

“We are meant to be hope-filled people,” says author Sr. Joyce Rupp. In this beautiful, profound book, Rupp helps us follow the only path that leads to real hope: the path of building our “relationship with the Holy One who dwells within us.”

Prayers of Hope and Healing When Facing Illness

Twenty-Third Publications
Woodene Koenig-Bricker

Struggling with illness and daily pain? In this book, Woodeene Koenig-Bricker, who has faced her own chronic illness for 20 years, provides simple, yet powerful prayers and practices that offer support and nourishment for the journey ahead.

A Little Book of Light

Sparks of Hope, Moments of Prayer
Twenty-Third Publications
Alice Camille

Based on the popular series Exploring the Sunday Readings, these powerful meditations are focused on bringing light and hope to the challenging seasons of our lives. This gem of a book from Alice Camille offers readers relatable insights based on a short passage from Scripture. Also included are a brief direction for prayer as well as an opportunity to reflect on the message to enhance daily living and decision-making. 

2024-2025 Catechist Handbook and Planning Guide

Catechist Magazine

In celebration of the Jubilee Year in 2025, each month includes a quote about the Year of Hope from Pope Francis.

The 2024-2025 Catechist Handbook and Planning Guide is an indispensable resource for catechists and religion teachers, providing them with an easy-to-use organizational tool and a comprehensive reference guide. Prepare for your mission each week with confidence as this guide supports you in delivering effective catechesis. With practical tips, engaging activities, and valuable insights, this handbook equips you to lead engaging and impactful religious education sessions.

The Seven Catholic Epistles: Faith, Hope, and Love

Threshold Bible Study
Stephen J. Binz

In this latest book from the popular Threshold Bible Study series, Stephen J. Binz introduces the “pillars” of the early Church: James’, Peter’s and John’s collection of letters that serves as a complementary, non-Pauline apostolic witness for believers today.

Living Faith Prayer and Devotion Bundle

Two brand new devotionals are paired with a customer favorite! A Treasury of Living Faith honors 40 years of Living Faith, and Living Bread was inspired by the ongoing National Eucharistic Revival in the U.S. In addition, Prayers for Catholics offers the perfect pocket-sized complement:

– A Treasury of Living Faith: 40 Years of Daily Catholic Devotions
– Living Bread: A 40-Day Devotional Celebrating the Eucharist
– Living Faith Prayers for Catholics

Treasury of Living Faith Anniversary Bundle

Love reading and praying with Living Faith? Celebrate 40 years of the magazine with this keepsake duo of devotionals:

– A Treasury of Living Faith: 40 Years of Daily Catholic Devotions (48 pages)
– 365 Hopeful Devotions for Catholics (384 pages)

Reading God's Word 2025, Binder Version

Keep the daily and Sunday Mass readings at your fingertips! Designed for each date of the liturgical year, Reading God’s Word helps Catholics follow the daily worship of the Church in a simple, comprehensive and convenient form. Perfect for anyone needing ready access to all daily and Sunday Scripture readings for Church Year C, 2025. The Church’s official New American Bible lectionary texts for Mass are presented in an easy-to-read format.

Reading God’s Word is an ideal aid for lectors, for homily preparation, classroom use and school liturgies. It is also the perfect companion for Living Faith Daily Catholic Devotions. Alternate Readings are included for some Sundays and feast days.

Reading God's Word 2025

Daily and Sunday Mass Readings Church Year C - 2025

Keep the daily and Sunday Mass readings at your fingertips! Designed for each date of the liturgical year, Reading God’s Word helps Catholics follow the daily worship of the Church in a simple, comprehensive and convenient form. Perfect for anyone needing ready access to all daily and Sunday Scripture readings for Church Year C, 2025. The Church’s official New American Bible lectionary texts for Mass are presented in an easy-to-read format.

Reading God’s Word is an ideal aid for lectors, for homily preparation, classroom use and school liturgies. It is also the perfect companion for Living Faith Daily Catholic Devotions. Alternate Readings are included for some Sundays and feast days.

Living Bread

A 40-Day Devotional Celebrating the Eucharist

“Do this in memory of me.” – Jesus

These familiar words from Jesus, based in Scripture and recalled at every Mass during the Eucharistic Prayer, are the reason for this 40-day devotional celebrating the Eucharist. Living Faith, long treasured for its daily Catholic devotions based on the readings of the Mass, is happy to publish this booklet within the same time frame that the U.S. Bishops of the Church are inviting us to deeper knowledge and love for the Eucharist through revivals locally in each diocese and nationally with a Eucharistic Congress in 2024. This special edition of Living Faith reflections is devoted to Jesus in the Eucharist: Living Bread. Penned through the decades by numerous Living Faith authors past and present, Living Bread invites readers to increase their love and devotion to the Eucharist. Inside, you’ll walk with writers whose love for the Word of God is matched by their belief that the true Living Bread—Jesus Christ, the Word-Made-Flesh—is the food that fuels a vibrant living faith.

Perfect to start at any time of the Church Year, this perennial page-a-day devotional may be read whenever a reader wishes to dive in! 

A Treasury of Living Faith

Celebrating 40 Years of Daily Catholic Devotions

40 years in the making...A Treasury of Living Faith offers inspirational reading—from the past to the present—from the pages of one of most popular and beloved periodicals, Living Faith: Daily Catholic Devotions. Born in St. Louis in 1985, and now known around the world, this small-sized but mighty page-a-day devotional based on a Scripture verse from the Mass every day of the year has strengthened the faith of readers for four decades and counting. Whether you’re a longtime loyal reader, or brand new reader to Living Faith, this is your opportunity to own this limited-edition, keepsake Treasury.

Living Faith Prayers For Catholics

Living Faith: Prayers for Catholics is a compilation of over 100 Catholic prayers brought to you by Living Faith: Daily Catholic Devotions staff. This book features the often-requested Morning and Evening Prayers featured in Living Faith for over 25 years, plus seasonal prayers, contemporary prayers for special circumstances, family prayers and prayers from the saints and Scripture. There are also dozens of traditional Catholic prayers—including the Prayers of the Rosary, Stations of the Cross, mealtime graces and prayers for Eucharistic Adoration.

Living Faith Kids Booklet Pack

This unique pack of Living Faith Kids books are designed to travel lightly while creatively engaging children to learn stories of the Bible and faith concepts. The pack includes 10 different full-color titles: 8 sticker books and 2 booklets that together offer inspiration from saints as holy examples to follow this Lent and answers to questions on doctrine that children might have. Great for ages 6-12.

All Softcover • $12.95 + shipping • Code STBM9 Click here for more

Hanging Onto Hope

Reflections and Prayers for Finding “Good” in an Imperfect World
Melannie Svoboda

Author Melannie Svoboda helps us open our hearts to hope, even in the darkest of times. She explores the relationships between hope and faith, love, courage, prayer, pain and sorrow, making this book a source of healing during hard times.

Softcover • 128 pages • $12.95 + shipping • Code 853293 Click here for more

The Sacraments

Lesson helps, resources, and activities for busy catechists

A valuable resource for catechists and religion teachers—with a host of articles from the writers of Seven chapters on the seven Sacraments with: 

  • infographics for quick reference on each sacrament 
  • in-depth features explaining sacramental theology
  • tips on how to teach each sacrament to children and youth
  • saint biographies connecting with each sacrament
  • sample lessons and activities 
  • bonus content 
Softcover • 100 pages • $8.95 + shipping • Code 857475 Click here for more

Pocket Book of Saints

Their Words and Wisdom

The Pocket Book of Saints: Their Words and Wisdom is a keepsake collection of the lives of the saints and their wisdom on themes such as faith, hope, prayer, peace, mercy and social justice. What makes the saints extraordinary people is that by uniting them selves to the will of God their lives became bigger than what they could be on their own. May these brothers and sisters in Christ help us to transform our own lives into something extraordinary!

Softcover • 80 pages • $7.95 + shipping • Code 857284 Click here for more

Christ-Filled Moments

150 Devotions for Your Walk of Faith
Mark Zimmermann


Encounter Christ in everyday moments. Every day is filled with moments when we encounter Christ in interesting and unusual ways or in circumstances we might not expect. Keeping your eyes open to the presence of Christ in your everyday walk of faith is what these 150 devotions explore. Practical and Scripture-based, these thoughtful and uplifting words of wisdom draw you closer to understanding the central role Christ plays in your daily living.

Devotions include inspirational observations, Scripture and a reflection question.

Softcover • 150 pages • $18.95 + shipping • Code CFM Click here for more

Living with Real Presence

Eucharist as an Approach to Life
S. James Meyer

In this transformation new book, best-selling author S. James Meyer introduces us to a whole-life encounter with the living Christ, awakening a fresh awareness that the Eucharist is about life, love and relationship. Living with Real Presence reminds us that our lives, Christ’s life and all lives are united in a sacred communion with our Creator and creation. Ideal for personal reflection or small group discussion.

Softcover • 128 pages • $14.95 + shipping • Code 857185 Click here for more

365 Devotions for Catholic Women

Grow closer to the Lord each day of the year with this special selection of devotions that speaks especially to women. Enriching and prayerful reflections address the unique challenges and joys facing women today.

List Price: $ 18.95 As low as: $ 16.95 Click here for more

365 Hopeful Devotions for Catholics

Enjoy a daily dose from our Lord and inspired writers of Living Faith. This devotional collection, pulled from the most beloved Living Faith quarterly magazine, presents hope-filled topics for today’s Catholics. Readers resonate

with these shared struggles and experiences explored from a Christian perspective. As always, Living Faith’s page-a-day devotions apply Scripture as a starting point, and reflections seek to lead readers to prayerful moments with God.

List Price: $ 18.95 As low as: $ 16.95 Click here for more
For More Additional Resources, please visit Creative Communications or Bayard Faith Resources

Living Faith provides brief daily Catholic devotions based on one of the Mass readings of the day. Published new each quarter, these reflections are written by women and men from a variety of backgrounds - lay people as well as clergy and religious. Learn more.

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