Morning Prayer
God of All Creation, you have blessed me this morning with another day filled with your light and love. The beauty of your creation surrounds me, filling my soul with gratitude for the faith you have planted in my heart. Bless me today with eyes that see you in everyone I meet. May all that I am reflect my love for you and willingness to do your will. Amen.
Today, Lord Jesus, be with me in the ordinariness that occupies my time. Help me to appreciate the purpose of each task and to find the best way to let my actions serve your holy will. Amen.
Spirit of the Living God, blow gently on the embers of my faith and ignite the light of faith in my heart for all to see. When I am tempted to hide this light and find an easier path to walk, remain at my side, close to me, nudging me forward. As the morning unfolds, renew my strength with your grace. For the day is long and without you I am weak. Amen.
Evening Prayer
As the daylight fades into twilight, O Lord,
I rest in the promise of your mercy.
As the sun sets, be with me and fill my heart with love.
Though darkness settles all around me,
the light of your Spirit dispels my fear.
I thank you for all you have given me this day.
Bless my slumber with peace. Amen.
To you, Mighty God, I lift my eyes and raise my voice in thankful praise. All day you have guided my footsteps and placed your Words upon my tongue. You have waited patiently for me to recognize the sound of your voice. Have mercy on me for the times I did not listen and thought of myself more than others. Help me to love as you love. Amen.
Dearest Father, you continue to bless all life on Earth with everything we need. This abundance from your heart calls us to a more generous stewardship. Bless those who call on you for help, and change our hearts that we may do a better job of caring for people in need. Grant me the grace to live with enough and want for nothing more than your love. Amen.
A Prayer From St. Gregory the Great
(Feast: September 3)
O God, help us to bring our worldly concerns under control,
so that they never turn our minds from higher things.
Help us have earthly things for our use but not as objects of our desires.
May there be nothing to hold back the desire of our mind;
and do not let the delights of this world ensnare us.
A Prayer by St. Teresa of Kolkata
(Feast: September 5)
Mary, Mother of Jesus, give me your full of love and humility
that I may be able to receive Jesus in the Bread of Life,
love him as you loved him, and serve him as you served him
in the distressing disguise of the poorest of the poor.
A Prayer from St. John Chrysostom
(Feast: September 13)
Jesus, open the eyes of my heart,
that I may hear your word and understand and do your will.
Open the eyes of my mind to the understanding of your gospel teachings.
Speak to me the hidden and sect things of your wisdom.
Enlighten my mind and understanding with the light of your knowledge,
not only to cherish those things that are written but to do them.
A Prayer from St. Hildegard of Bingen
(Feast: September 17)
Holy Spirit, the life that gives life.
You are the cause of all movement;
You are the breath of all creatures;
You are the salve that purifies our souls;
You are the ointment that heals our wounds;
You are the fire that warms our hearts;
You are the light that guides our feet.
Let all the world praise you.
A Prayer from St. Pio
(Feast: September 23)
Dear Father, when will the sun shine in the heavens of my soul?
Alas, I see myself astray in the deep dark night through which I am passing.
But praise be to God, who never abandons anyone who hopes and places
his trust in him! Amen.
A Prayer of St. John Henry Cardinal Newman
(Feast: September 24)
May God support us all the day long
Till the shadows lengthen
And the evening comes
And the busy world is hushed
And the fever of life is over
And our work is done.
Then in mercy, may God give us a safe lodging
And a holy rest and peace at last. Amen.