Praying for Holy Souls
November 2 is All Souls Day: We remember and pray for the faithful departed, especially those awaiting a final purification in purgatory before entering heaven. The Catholic Church dedicates November to this spiritual work of mercy—praying for the dead. Praying for souls is easy; it’s remembering to do so that can be hard. In corporating these practices listed here can help!

8 Tips for Praying for Holy Souls

1. Pray for the holy souls at Mass or Adoration. The Mass is the perfect prayer for souls. The Church remembers the dead at every Mass. We can also offer up our Holy Communion for the sake of souls. Making a visit to church for to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, or partaking in Eucharistic Adoration, are also wonderful options.

2. Schedule Masses for the faithful departed. Your local church can add names of loved ones and others for future Masses. (A small stipend is usually involved.) Some religious orders offer Gregorian Masses—30 Masses offered in 30 days—for one person.

3.Pray the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet or Stations of the Cross.. All are powerful intercessory prayers. (Learn the Rosary at Learn the Chaplet at Find the Stations at

4.Pray the Office of the Dead in the Liturgy of the Hours. Find this in your breviary volume. (Or go to .)

5.Offer something up. Practice small acts of self-denial as you go through your week and offer these penances up for souls.

6.Memorize the “Eternal Rest” prayer for souls. Use it liberally. Pray it with grace at meals or at other times of the day. “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let the perpetual light shine upon them. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.”

7.Visit a cemetery. Pray for those you know and for those who may not have anyone to pray for them. Pray the “Eternal Rest” prayer whenever you drive by

8.Spread devotion to the holy souls. Make others aware of the great need those in purgatory have for our prayers

Download a free copy of 8 Tips for Praying for Holy Souls (PDF)


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