Dear Friends,

Living Faith Kids invites you to discover the new monthly newsletter, a great complement to our quarterly devotional magazine for children.

Living Faith Kids’ maxim of "Pause + Pray + Play" reminds us of the important place of developing prayer and faith in the life of a child.

This newsletter is designed for parents, grandparents, teachers and catechists who want to encourage faith and ways to pray for children.

Sign up now to experience the new liturgical year with children! Help them discover and reflect on God’s Word every day as they explore their Catholic faith and grow as followers of Christ.

Let’s talk about Sunday
January 5 - First Sunday of AdventThe Epiphany of the Lord
We remember that Jesus came for all of us—not just a few people.

One way to bring this idea home is to talk about the ornaments on your Christmas tree. There are individual ornaments with various shapes and colors. Some are old, some are new. Some might have stories. But still, they all work together to make your tree a thing of beauty and joy. Just as all the people of the world are individuals, but we are one in Christ.

January 12 - The Baptism of the Lord
When you are baptized, you get someone special in your corner. That someone is the Holy Spirit.

Share memories or photos from your child’s Baptism. Why is this such a big celebration? (It is the first sacrament of our initiation into the Church, God’s family. We receive the Holy Spirit at our Baptisms. That’s a good reason for celebrating!)

January 19 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus calls Mary “Woman” as a title of honor because she is “blessed…among women” (Luke 1:42).

Ask: Do you recognize these words? (They are from the Hail Mary prayer.) Explain that we honor Mary for her faith and trust in God and in her son Jesus. We can pray to have this same kind of faith and trust. Pray the Hail Mary together.

January 26 - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Read this poem aloud as your child listens.
Christ has no body on earth now but yours.
No hands, no feet on earth but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which he looks at people with love.
Yours are the feet with which he walks, doing good.
Yours are the hands he uses to bless people.
Read it once again slowly, pausing after each line to ask what it might mean. If your child really doesn’t understand, offer examples of ways we can do Christ’s work on earth.
Looking for a tool to deepen faith and inspire daily growth?

The Daily Walk + Talk is your go-to resource for meaningful faith conversations and activities at home, in classrooms, or parish settings. Designed to engage kids with reflections on the daily Mass readings, it offers simple questions, prompts, and activities to spark dialogue and enrich understanding. Download it today!



Living Faith provides brief daily Catholic devotions based on one of the Mass readings of the day. Published new each quarter, these reflections are written by women and men from a variety of backgrounds - lay people as well as clergy and religious. Learn more.

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