Mr. Justin McClain, O.P.

Headshot of Mr. Justin McClain, O.P., author, and teacher

Justin McClain is a lifelong resident of Maryland. Justin, his wife Bernadette, and their children live in Bowie, Maryland, within the Archdiocese of Washington, and they attend Sacred Heart Catholic Church. 

Justin is a professed Lay Dominican, joining in the spirituality and prescribed rule of life for laity within the Order of Saint Dominic de Guzmán, O.P.

Justin is a veteran Catholic educator, and has taught theology, Spanish, the humanities, nature studies, and various other subjects at the Catholic K-12 level since 2006. He has also taught within the Satellite Theological Education Program ("S.T.E.P.") initiative within the University of Notre Dame's McGrath Institute for Church Life. Justin has consulted for some of the committees of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Justin is active in the pro-life movement, and promotes the value and dignity of human life, from conception to natural death, as well as chastity, marriage, and the family. He also aims to inspire his fellow Catholic educators to a joyful orthodoxy, and fidelity to the Church's teachings. Justin is an avid wildlife enthusiast, and he enjoys encouraging people to value God's gift of the natural world. He holds degrees in Spanish, criminology, international history, and theology. Justin has written for the National Catholic Register and various other outlets, and he is the author of several books, that you can find at Find Justin on Twitter @JustinMcClainOP.


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