Deborah A. Meister

Headshot of Deborah A. Meister, author, and editor

I have been a Living Faith reader since 1989, when I received my first copy from Sr. Kathy Avery, OSM, then school principal of St. Francis of Assisi School in Pikeville, KY. It is a great privilege to have been a former editor of Living Faith and to continue as a regular contributor of reflections for each issue. I am grateful for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in preparing my reflections and acknowledge the small part I play in discovering what Scripture has to say to us in our everyday lives.

In addition to writing and editing for publication, I have been a college educator and liturgical musician in eight dioceses. My husband, Bill, our two daughters and I never had to take a vacation because his frequent job transfers kept us moving from one state to the next. After we moved to St. Louis, Bill began the diaconate program and was ordained in 2007. Together, we have been blessed to work with couples preparing for marriage and with parents bringing their children for baptism. We have three terrific grandsons, who bring more fun and love into our lives than we ever imagined possible, not to mention a little mischief. 


Living Faith provides brief daily Catholic devotions based on one of the Mass readings of the day. Published new each quarter, these reflections are written by women and men from a variety of backgrounds - lay people as well as clergy and religious. Learn more.

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