Perhaps today you are gathering with several generations of your family and friends. In your conversation, people may remark on current events and changes in our world. Someone might even voice a familiar worry, “What’s this world coming to?” For some older adults, it seems the values with which they were raised have evaporated in society. For others, there may be a mistrust of the world outside their door, causing them to feel isolated. Others may wonder if honesty, self-sacrifice and responsibility have become outdated and “old-school.”
You may be fortunate to have some teens and young adults at your table. As you observe them and their fascination with technology, you might wonder what will become of their generation, so different from your own aging cohort.
Today’s psalm gives all of us the assurance and confidence needed to truly be grateful—to celebrate today all that has been and all that is and will be to come.
God loves us and will continue to be with all the generations to follow. God will not abandon his Creation!
My prayer "Lord Jesus, fill us all with gratitude for the gift of redemption and increase in us all hope and longing for your return again in glory. May that day bring joy to all our heart's rather than sorrow. Help us all to serve you faithfully and to make the best use of our time now in the light of your coming again." Amen
Dearhearts...I am so very thankful to be able to read each of your posts day after day, lifting in prayer our honest fear, hope and joy. We are truly a Living Faith Family of Thanks + Giving. God Bless Us ALL And ALL Who We Love!
Jennifer thank you for your devotional comments. Made me think that over all these years I'm the elder of the generations now. Happy Thanksgiving to all the LFF and thank you for being one of my blessings. Prayers to all the LFF, especially those needing an extra hand these days and may Gods love shine through us each and every day.
Jennifer----you took my thoughts right out of my head! And your reply gave me understanding and renewed my hope. Loved your devotion! Thank you
Wishing all a joyous, safe and peaceful holiday! Amen.
LFF - I wanted to provide a followup, because I know many of you answered a prayer request from me for the safety of my son-in-law, Ethan, as he was deployed to the Middle East this summer on the USS Abraham Lincoln. Wonderful Thanksgiving news - all are home safely! Thank you for your prayers, and let's continue to pray for all in our service, esp those who are not able to be with family today.
Lord please hear our prayers and bring your light to all those experiencing natural disasters, as well as those in Haiti, the Middle East, Ukraine, Russia, Darfur, the Sudan, in addition to all those suffering around the world - also for their strength, courage and resilience to continue walking in faith. Send them your light. Father in Heaven, have mercy on us and on the whole world! You sent Your Son, the Prince of Peace, for the salvation of the world. We pray that the Peace of Christ will reign in Haiti, the Middle East, Ukraine, Russia, Darfur and Sudan. Please protect and send aid to those in need and all who are at-risk. We pray for peace and rebuilding– we who are working towards it and for all those who are suffering or in danger from conflicts. We pray for an end to violence and war – we pray for wisdom for all leaders who have a hand in this. Lord God please help those in most need of thy mercy. Amen
My wife and I have read the daily devotion every day before our rosary for many years now. We feel we greatly benefit spiritually from the daily devotion and comments. Today’s devotion on Thanksgiving day hit home with us as we too are having a family gathering for our Thanksgiving dinner. My prayer is that all the religious of all faiths always put God and family before politics in accordance with the first two commandments.
" Do your duty come what may." Order of the Templar motto. In my humble opinion if our duty is to follow God's will, what is to come we need not worry our souls about for He has it all figured out for us. Peace be with you all!
Thanksgiving: "The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment & to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day." St. Gianna Molla**** "I fear nothing, because of the promises of Heaven; for I have cast myself into the hands of Almighty God, who reigns everywhere." St. Patrick
You all….I so needed yesterday’s meditation. Almost every hymn took me back. Thirteen years of Catholic school in the days where part of school was to go to Mass means there are so many of these hymns in my memory banks. Our church now tends toward newer music and I get excited when an older piece is included. Sadness and anger are still part of our lives right now as everyone moves on a month after Garrett’s accident. It will be just the 3 of us quietly thanking the Lord he is still with us and trying not to pine over life forever changed and the challenges it presents. If you’ve never been honored to hear Shepherd Me O God, here is a link It is my favorite, I can feel Him take my hand and guide me. Tears well as it speaks to me of shepherding not only in this world but at the time all of us must face one day into a new life. May each of you feel His gentle guidance today in every part of the world in every circumstance, in a room full of people or in a space all alone I pray you feel the calming and joyous Hand of Jesus who loves you.
I wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and want to share that I am so grateful for this wonderful group to start each day in prayer. Have a bountiful day!
Amen! God Bless everyone on this Thanksgiving day after quite a hard year for some people. Thank you Lord for your Mercy and Grace and for watching over my family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of the LFF God Bless
Thank you Jennifer, It's just the kind of meditation/devotion I needed today.... God bless and Happy Thanksgiving!
Amen... Happy Thanksgiving Day... may the Lord continue to bless us all abundantly
Yes, Great is Thy Faithfulness ✝️ *** Lamentation 3:21-23, “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!” *** 1 Corinthians 1:8-9, “He will keep you strong to the end so that you will be free from all blame on the day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns. God will do this, for He is faithful to do what He says, and He has invited you into partnership with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord!” *** 2 Timothy 2:13, “If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny who He is!” ******* There are many who are estranged from families during Thanksgiving and Christmas season :-( BUT GOD!!! “Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God will make this happen, for He Who calls you is faithful!” 2 Thessalonians 5:23-24 ♥️✝️♥️
Living Faith provides brief daily Catholic devotions based on one of the Mass readings of the day. Published new each quarter, these reflections are written by women and men from a variety of backgrounds - lay people as well as clergy and religious. Learn more.
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Please pray for my mum. I don’t know how to help her, how to reach her. I’m so alone… I’m losing her piece by piece and I can stop her slipping through my fingers. I was prepared for the physical illness, but not the mental… I don’t know if I’m strong enough… Prayer to St. Jude for Physical Healing St. Jude, you witnessed the healing power of our Lord Jesus. You saw His compassion for the sick and dying. You yourself touched the sick, shared the sorrows of the mournful, and encouraged the despairing. You received this authority and healing power to work wonders, to cure the incurable, to make people whole. We ask you to intercede with our brother, Jesus, to send His saving grace to heal the sickness and suffering of __________________, to uplift his/her despondent spirit, and to instill hope in his/her heart. Amen.