In the midst of suffering, it can be challenging to not be simply overwhelmed by the moment. The pain, loss, confusion and disorientation can make us forget what had anchored us in hope and love, perhaps even the day before.
Jesus knew this. When he took his disciples on the mountain, he knew what was coming. Jesus’ gift of the Transfiguration to his disciples was about more than showing them the fullness of his identity. Strange, terrible and confounding events were about to unfold. Would this moment give them something to hold on to when all seemed lost?
Jesus has given us glimpses of light as well. Grateful, even in suffering, we remember.
In today's daily reflection on Hallow, Jeff Cavins remarked that Peter said, It is good to be here, and compared it to an Outstanding Day. Despite my over 50 years of living in mortal sin, I still had outstanding days, which were true gifts of God. For me, those days include my marriage, my children, my return to my Catholic Faith, the birth of my granddaughter, and the catastrophic event that brought me where I am today. It was an Outstanding Day when I hit rock bottom and cried to God that my life had become unmanageable. At that point, he offered me a glimpse of my future. The love, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus are fresh and renewed each day. The vision of my future still lacks clarity, but each day, God offers me a glimpse of the light ahead, and with that I say it's good to be here and it's an outstanding day.
Thanks Salina. We were given a gift and now as witnesses, can tell others the same as in 2 Peter here. This is from the New Jerusalem Bible: Reading 2, Second Peter 1:16-19 16 When we told you about the power and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, we were not slavishly repeating cleverly invented myths; no, we had seen his majesty with our own eyes. 17 He was honoured and glorified by God the Father, when a voice came to him from the transcendent Glory, This is my Son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour. 18 We ourselves heard this voice from heaven, when we were with him on the holy mountain. 19 So we have confirmation of the words of the prophets; and you will be right to pay attention to it as to a lamp for lighting a way through the dark, until the dawn comes and the morning star rises in your minds
Jane, PeggyR and Ken…thank you so much for your heartfelt prayers for my friend Ginny.❣️
Robert, may the Lord light your way and open new doors for you. I will pray for you today and ask if you would pray for my brother Robert who is going through many life changing illnesses and physical limitations. May the Lord cover you both with his blessings of light and peace.
Thank you Amy. Your words inspire to reflect and grow. Whenever I read this passage I can't imagine how awe inspiring that must have been for them to experience. WOW, I don't think I would have been able to wipe the look of surprise and amazement off my face for months. :) Blessings to all the LFF. This world seems to be in a struggle to identify itself again. Transitions are hard and sometimes very depressing. Prayers that the people of this world to find the love of God and society reflects that. Prayers for those needing a wee bit extra help these days and may we all go out and spread the love of God through all the world.
I just thought about the agony in the garden: I don’t think Jesus prayed anything about being grateful for his suffering. He wanted it removed.
“Grateful even in suffering”: I think that is one of the most difficult things to believe when you are in the midst of suffering (such as grieving/mourning from yesterday’s devotion).
Beautiful devotional Amy! Almighty God, we behold Your splendor, shining on the face of Jesus your son. Thank you for this glimpse of light as we embrace our own identity in Jesus, even in suffering and pain. Peace and blessings Living Faith Family.
Hope you’re new place
Amen. :)
Amy, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us today. I love thinking about the experience of the disciples. They don’t speak about this “glimpse” again in the gospels, but it must have been life changing and a memory that they discussed.May we all have glimpses of Jesus that lighten our day and allow us to be that light for others. Amen.
Lord please hear our prayers and bring your light to all those experiencing natural disasters, and those in Haiti, the Middle East, Ukraine, Russia, Darfur, the Sudan, in addition to all those suffering around the world - also for their strength, courage and resilience to continue walking in faith. Send them your light. Father in Heaven, have mercy on us and on the whole world! You sent Your Son, the Prince of Peace, for the salvation of the world. We pray that the Peace of Christ will reign in Haiti, the Middle East, Ukraine, Russia, Darfur and Sudan. Please protect and send aid to those in need and all who are at-risk. We pray for peace and rebuilding– we who are working towards it and for all those who are suffering or in danger from conflicts. We pray for an end to violence and war – we pray for wisdom for all leaders who have a hand in this. Lord God please help those in most need of thy mercy. Amen.
Dear LFF, I am asking for your prayers today. I need to move and have a showing today after work. I really like and can afford this place. Please pray that if is God's will for me, the place I need to let it be done. I know all good things come through him. All glory be to God. May his will be done.
Living Faith provides brief daily Catholic devotions based on one of the Mass readings of the day. Published new each quarter, these reflections are written by women and men from a variety of backgrounds - lay people as well as clergy and religious. Learn more.
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Here is a glimpse of the Light in the future described in Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14, "As I watched, “thrones were set in place. The Eternal God took His seat. His clothes were as white as snow. The hair on His head was white like wool. His throne was blazing with fire. And flames were all around its wheels. A river of fire was flowing. It was coming out from in front of God. Thousands and thousands of angels served Him. Millions of them stood in front of him. The court was seated. And the books were opened.......In my vision I saw One Who looked like a son of man. He was coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Eternal God. He was led right up to Him. And He was given authority, glory and a kingdom. People of all nations, no matter what language they spoke, worshiped Him. His authority will last forever. It will not pass away. His kingdom will never be destroyed!" Hallelujah and Amen!!!