After being challenged by the elders concerning the source of his authority, Jesus tells a parable about tenants in a vineyard. The vineyard owner dispatches various servants to the tenants to bring back some of the fruits of the vineyard as payment. Every messenger was beaten or killed until finally, the vineyard owner “had one other to send, a beloved son. He sent him to them last of all” (v. 6). This son, this heir, they also killed.
A cornerstone is, as its name implies, a stone at the corner of a building. It’s a core around which everything else takes shape. Jesus points to himself as the rejected stone who paradoxically becomes foundational, essential and of primary importance.
- Sr. Chris Koellhoffer, I.H.M.
Living faith family please pray for Louann as she's in the hospital because of allergies. Please Continue to pray for Stephanie and Christine Debbie and her daughter Anna. My youngest granddaughter just took her first steps video was precious, with clapping hands and all. Thinking of Marco and a sinner haven't heard from them. Birds are visiting this morning all colors and types. Thank you God for the gifts of creation. Ken
Love this one Sr. Chris. Having Jesus as the cornerstone and everything aligned with it. Sounds simple, but not easy. Have a blessed week all.Amen.
Lord please hear our prayers and bring your light to all those experiencing natural disasters, Haiti, the Middle East, Ukraine, Russia, Darfur, the Sudan, and all those suffering around the world - also for their strength, courage and resilience to continue walking in faith. Send them your light. Father in Heaven, have mercy on us and on the whole world! You sent Your Son, the Prince of Peace, for the salvation of the world. We pray that the Peace of Christ will reign in Haiti, the Middle East, Ukraine, Russia, Darfur and Sudan. Please protect and send aid to those in need and all who are at-risk. We pray for peace and rebuilding– we who are working towards it and for all those who are suffering or in danger from conflicts. We pray for an end to violence and war – we pray for wisdom for all leaders who have a hand in this. Lord God please help those in most need of thy mercy. Amen.
“In architecture, a cornerstone is the first stone laid and the reference point for everything that comes after. Everything else will be strong and stable if a cornerstone is set correctly.“ What does it mean to have Jesus as the cornerstone of my life? *** Like a cornerstone upholding a building, Jesus is before all things, and in Him, everything holds together — including our lives in Colossians 1:15-17, “The Son is the exact likeness of God, Who can’t be seen. The Son is first, and He is over all creation. All things were created in Him. He created everything in heaven and on earth. He created everything that can be seen and everything that can’t be seen. He created kings, powers, rulers and authorities. All things have been created by Him and for Him. Before anything was created, he was already there. He holds everything together!” *** If we do not align our desires with Jesus, we may build our lives on a crooked or weak foundation. What looks like a tiny shift leads to a dramatic change in direction. One crooked cornerstone makes an entire building weak and vulnerable in Ephesians 4:14-16, “We will no longer be babies in the faith. We won’t be like ships tossed around by the waves. We won’t be blown here and there by every new teaching. We won’t be blown around by cleverness and tricks. Certain people use them to hide their evil plans. Instead, we will speak the truth in love. So we will grow up in every way to become the body of Christ. Christ is the head of the body. He makes the whole body grow and build itself up in love. Under the control of Christ, each part of the body does its work. It supports the other parts. In that way, the body is joined and held together!” *** Positioning Jesus as our cornerstone may mean that we, too, will face rejection. But we must remember that the rejected cornerstone was also the perfect cornerstone. Let us not be builders rejecting Jesus but instead choosing to establish our lives upon His firm foundation in 1 Peter 2:4-6, “Christ is the living Stone. People did not accept Him, but God chose Him. God places the highest value on Him. You also are like living stones. As you come to Christ, you are being built into a house for worship. There you will be holy priests. You will offer spiritual sacrifices. God will accept them because of what Jesus Christ has done. In Scripture it says, “Look! I am placing a stone in Zion. It is a chosen and very valuable stone. It is the most important stone in the building. The one who trusts in Him will never be put to shame.” (Isaiah 28:16)” ******* Proverbs 3:5-12, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. In all your ways obey Him. Then He will make your paths smooth and straight. Don’t be wise in your own eyes. Have respect for the Lord and avoid evil. That will bring health to your body. It will make your bones strong. Honor the Lord with your wealth. Give Him the first share of all your crops. Then your storerooms will be so full they can’t hold everything. Your huge jars will spill over with fresh wine. My son, do not hate the Lord’s training. Do not object when He corrects you. The Lord trains those He loves. He is like a Father Who trains the son He is pleased with!” Amen ♥️✝️♥️
Good Morning Living Faith Family! Pray that this finds the week ahead of us filled with His peace and hope. And for all who are in the most need of His healing love…God Bless. Sister Chris, I loved your words today “Jesus, beloved son, be the core around which every part of my life takes shape and finds meaning.” Thank you.
Jesus, help me to be more like you.
Living Faith provides brief daily Catholic devotions based on one of the Mass readings of the day. Published new each quarter, these reflections are written by women and men from a variety of backgrounds - lay people as well as clergy and religious. Learn more.
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Let’s imagine that my occupation for the first 62 years of my life was in home construction. For every new construction, a pallet of cinder blocks is delivered to build the foundation. The charge to my crew is to only use the best blocks. If I were a cinder block, builders throughout my life may have rejected me because of my imperfections. Once I accepted Christ I realized that he loves and accepts all those that were rejected or normalized by others. Christ himself was rejected and sadly for many years, I did not totally accept him. Today is a different story as I have accepted him completely with no conditions and he has become the cornerstone of my life. While I seek to be like Christ I understand that the house I’m building now will be made up of imperfect people like myself who humble themselves as such before the Lord.