Pity the Pharisees. They studied the Scriptures. Oh, how they studied the Scriptures! They were faithful to the letter of the Law of Moses and created further rules to ensure the Law was being followed. But they were so sure that all that study would show them the way to salvation that they couldn’t see God’s presence right in front of them. They were so wrapped up in minutia, such as whether Jesus should be healing people on the Sabbath, that they were blinded to the living light.
Pity the Pharisees, for it’s easy to become like them. We attempt to understand God on human terms and wonder how good things can happen to bad people and vice versa, and why, if we pray, we don’t always get what we want when we want it. Learn from the Pharisees—embrace God’s goodness without trying to understand the particulars.
I laughed reading the exchange between God and Moses in today’s reading in Exodus :-) *** God told Moses that these stiff-necked people were ‘your’ people!’ *** Moses responded that these were ‘Your’ people!’ *** Moses also reminded God that these were the people ‘You’ brought out of Egypt…all other nations knew that and it would look really bad for God to destroy them, plus Moses reminded God of His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel)! ******* Wow, when God called Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, his response was He was not a good speaker in Exodus 4:10, “Moses spoke to the Lord. He said, “Lord, I’ve never been a good speaker. And I haven’t gotten any better since You spoke to me. I don’t speak very well at all.” Look at Moses now speaking to God on behalf of God’s people!!! Exodus 32:14, “Then the Lord took pity on His people. He didn’t destroy them as He had said He would!” *** Hmmm, what can I learn from this exchange? Is my conversation (prayer) with God like that?
Amen...beautiful reflections from everyone today..Praise God
Loved, "embrace God’s goodness!" *** Learn and trust God's attributes(character) in His Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to explain what I don't understand and He will in John 14:26, "But the Father will send the Friend in My Name (Jesus) to help you. The Friend is the Holy Spirit. He will teach you all things. He will remind you of everything I have said to you.!" *** Why did Jesus said "what I say is not true?" in John 5:31-32, "If I am a witness about Myself, what I say is not true. There is someone else who is a witness in My favor. And I know that what he says about Me is true!" That is because of the Jewish law of two witnesses in Deutoronomy 19:15, "Suppose someone is charged with committing a crime of any kind. Then one witness won’t be enough to prove that person is guilty. Every matter must be proved by the words of two or three witnesses!" *** Basically, Jesus had two witnesses testifying on His behalf: John the Baptist and God the Father!!! John 5:33, 37a, "You have sent people to John the Baptist. He has been a witness to the truth... The Father Who sent Me is hHimself a witness about Me!" ******* The pharisees had the head knowledge of Scripture, but they didn't accept the Holy Spirit to translate/explain that head knowledge into hearts' desires :-( Matthew 16:15, "But what about you?” He (Jesus) asked. “Who do you say I AM?”
I’ve learned to pity those who seem so misguided as opposed to hatred and anger and that includes people in my very own family. One of the the things I’ve found in myself over the recent years is that I, like those ancient scholars and Pharisees studying scripture, read a passage or chapter and think “boy that is speaking to ‘so and so’ because that’s exactly what they need to hear and fix!’ I think our law makers and politicians are like that today. They see injustice or wrongs and then decide to make a law to “fix” the situation rather than fix themselves. That plank in my own eye to the “smaller” infractions I make keeps me from seeing how I can change my small world and ripple out just by applying the scripture message to my “little” indiscretions. I may not worship a golden calf (throw over my 1-2 hour prayer time for social media) or make unrealistic burdens and rules (like parents with screaming children should be asked to leave the restaurant), but how many times do I hog a conversation because of my knowledge and experience (so feel justified in what I have to add or take up extra space and slow things down in a crowded space with my “special needs mobility devices). Jesus was speaking to me as well as all those “big time offenders” and I need not be like the Pharisees who would try to slay the elephant when the real problem was all the pesky flies buzzing around me.
Good morning Melanie, great reflection! This reminds me to live in the moment. No matter how much we try to understand and dissect scripture, I don't believe we will ever know the real truths, until God is ready to let us know. Continued lifting prayers for all Living Faith Family. Sandy
Amen. :)
As I’ve posted in the past, the stiffed neck Jews are portrayed so very well in “The Chosen”!
Melanie - fantastic devotion for today. Agree with Joe 100%! His ways are not my ways. How limited I am in trying to decipher the messages God’s sending. May I continue to seek God to better experience His path for me. Thank you for the continued prayers for Robert and Lyndell. Also, Stormy, how is Journey doing? Lifting Vincent today and hoping his week has been less stressful than anticipated. Amen.
Lord please hear our prayers and bring your light to all those suffering in Haiti, the Middle East, Ukraine, Russia, the Sudan, and all those suffering around the world - also for their strength, courage and resilience to continue walking in faith. Send them your light. Father in Heaven, have mercy on us and on the whole world! You sent Your Son, the Prince of Peace, for the salvation of the world. We pray that the Peace of Christ will reign in Haiti, the Middle East, Ukraine, Russia and Sudan. Please protect and send aid to those in need and all who are at-risk. We pray for peace and rebuilding– we who are working towards it and for all those who are suffering or in danger from conflicts. We pray for an end to violence and war – we pray for wisdom for all leaders who have a hand in this. Lord God please help those in most need of thy mercy. Amen.
Melanie, you could not have said better what I and so many struggle with everyday of our lives. Because of our limitations as humans we humanize God and try to understand Him through our own very limited lens. Thank you for pointing out what should be obvious and that I have grappled with my entire adult life. Let God be God and trust, no matter hard or difficult it is we will never truly know His heart till we get to heaven and meet Him face to face. Thank you for this wonderful but stark reminder of our foolish humanity!
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