March 11, 2024
Lenten Weekday
Believe in His Restoration
The man believed what Jesus said to him…
John 4:50

I poured over today’s Gospel—and quickly asserted, I believe. I don’t need signs and wonders. But hadn’t I asked the Lord to open loved ones’ hearts and then dared to fret when his timing wasn’t my own? Did I really trust God to do what he’d said?

Later I reflected on Isaiah 65, which is about remembering not the past but always rejoicing and finding happiness in God’s creation. I had experienced God’s healing in my past. I knew what God created was beautiful. So why had I sometimes questioned my inner beauty? Did I honestly believe what he’d said?

Maybe unconsciously, I had sought signs and wonders to bolster my faith. But even in that, the God of Restoration understood the depths of my heart and the fullness of my assent.

O Lord, thank you for granting me the grace to truly believe what you say—and the trust to allow your healing to take place in my life. Yes, Lord, I believe!

- Kathleen Swartz McQuaig

Isaiah 65:17-21 • Psalm 30:2, 4-6, 11-13 • John 4:43-54
Finding inner peace amongst calm and beauty. Generative AI. Image by Jonki |
Image of the day


March 11, 2024 at 10:17 PM

This reminded me of the reflection of Terence Hegarty (see March 4th) when the puddles made by the rain on the patio he was building showed him where it needed to be leveled! God blesses His world with many of these small miracles, if only we see and believe in them! There is a line at the end of a prayer I say every night that says "Amen to the miracles of this day." (From an evening prayer by Sr. Macrina Wiederkehr, O.S.B. printed in an earlier Living Faith booklet) Yes, Lord, "Amen" even to the smallest of Your miracles of this day and every day. May each one help at least one person to believe. The Lord's blessings on all of you, Living Faith Family, Ria.

March 12, 2024 at 08:10 AM

Thanks for re-sharing Ria! Beautiful prayer line.

Kathleen Swartz McQuaig
March 12, 2024 at 12:05 AM

Amen. Love how you see God's big picture here in other reflections and prayers. May we all see his blessings in the puddles of life. His grace.

March 11, 2024 at 02:57 PM

Thank you, Kathleen for a thoughtful reflection this morning. Dear Lord Jesus, please help me to understand your ways as I struggle with trying to figure out why there is so much suffering in this world. I love you with all my heart, My Dear Lord. Please forgive my unbelief. Blessings to the whole LFF today and every day.

Kathleen Swartz McQuaig
March 11, 2024 at 11:56 PM

You are most welcome, Peggy. God's grace upon us as we struggle to see life's challenges through God's eyes rather than simply our own. I find solace that even when others' heinous acts of freewill caused me great harm, God somehow transformed their evil intents for an unforeseen good. His blessings on us all.

March 11, 2024 at 11:57 AM

Sharing with you, my beloved LFFamily! *** Salina Smith BSF Prayer Request 03/12/24 in John 18:1-27 *** Students – Pray that the students will learn from Jesus’ example how to respond to difficult situations and to choose the godly decision not to sin by the power of the Holy Spirit! Psalm 86:11, “Lord, teach me how you want me to live. Do this so that I will depend on You, my faithful God. Give me a heart that doesn’t want anything more than to worship You.” Amen! *** Salina – Oh, Lord, You are so gracious in answering my prayer on 2/27/24 (Pray for Jessi in Proverbs 16:3, “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and He will establish your plans!” Pray that this rotation of internal medicine will be interesting for learning, passing time faster than expected, six days the same as five days, encountering His people and His favors, and experiencing His presence and hands in every details, Amen!) My heart is full with gratitude and awe of You! Jessi was able to talk the attendings (physicians and residents) letting the medical students (her group) off on Saturdays for the last two weeks! Last week Jessi experienced Your favors and Your hands at the prompting of the Holy Spirit in bringing You glory saving this young adult’s life! (Jessi interviewed this young patient and his Mom and reported back to the resident that something was wrong with this patient and it was probably not his drug use as everyone expected! Two days later, the resident told Jessi that she saved this patient’s life as they found a brain bleed in him!) So, Lord God, continue Your covering and encouragement upon Jessi to bring You Your glory in humbly serving the patients You placed on her path forgetting her ex in the process! Matthew 5:16, “In the same way, let your light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will bring glory to your Father Who is in heaven!” Amen!

March 12, 2024 at 08:08 AM

Beautiful story and witness for Jessi! Amen Salina.

Kathleen Swartz McQuaig
March 12, 2024 at 12:07 AM

Salina, So happy that you can see God's hands at work. To Him be the glory.

March 11, 2024 at 02:49 PM

Praying for your students, Salina and praying for your daughter as she continues her rotations before becoming a Doctor. That young man was blessed having Jessi attend to him because unfortunately when people are drug users some hospitals immediately think that their illness is a result of their drug use. My husband and I are trying to help a homeless woman for the last 5 years and it’s been such a struggle because she wasn’t diagnosed correctly for so long. Turns out there was another “Jessi” at the hospital and figured out that the woman is in stage 3 kidney disease.God bless Jessi and your whole family.

March 11, 2024 at 12:14 PM

Oh Salina, what wonderous news. May the Holy Spirit continue to be with your Jessi. Praise to our Lord! Rita

March 11, 2024 at 10:09 AM


March 11, 2024 at 09:29 AM

Thank you Kathleen. Lord I believe; help my unbelief.

Kathleen Swartz McQuaig
March 11, 2024 at 11:25 PM

Amen Marko, Funny I was just thinking the same. God bless..

March 11, 2024 at 09:16 AM

Kathleen what a great reminder of the lack of faith we can have. I struggle with this everyday. I want to be able to know that God is there and what happens is his will and sometimes that is so very hard in these times of struggle. Those going through hard times in other countries must struggle with this every minute. May God rain his love on us each and everyday. Blessings LFF. Prayers for those with additional struggles in their lives right now. May he hold us all in his hands and protect us. May we all go out and spread the love of God to all each and everyday.

Kathleen Swartz McQuaig
March 11, 2024 at 11:23 PM

Yes, Stormy. That trust part can be hard--especially if we've had those in our lives who were not trustworthy. So thankful our Lord already knows and sees our hearts, and gently reminds us that He has us. Joy and peace.

March 11, 2024 at 08:37 AM

A great reflection, Kathleen. Oh, how so many times we looked for a sign, when the answers were right in front of us! Having trust and belief in our Lord.....he knows our needs. Love, peace and continued prayers for everyone. Have a great week. Sandy

Kathleen Swartz McQuaig
March 11, 2024 at 11:06 PM

Thank you, Sandy. Yes, that trust part and remembering how well He knows our needs gets revisited often on my end. Like a little kid, I can get distracted and pull my hand out of His, only to quickly put my hand back in His, because He knows and is the way. Blessings.

March 11, 2024 at 08:22 AM

Kathleen, such a thought provoking reflection. Who doesn’t seek signs? I’d love to think I’m so full of faith that I don’t do that…but sometimes the “other” inner voice of doubt, anxiety, worry, etc is at such a high volume that I listen to it more than I should. Thank you for the re-grounding and encouragement. Spending time at our Maine house for spring break. Great change of scenery and enjoying a little of the cold, before we get back to the impending heat of Houston. Blessings to all this week. Amen.

Kathleen Swartz McQuaig
March 11, 2024 at 10:52 PM

Sounds like a special gift to physically be where you are, Jane. Enjoy! But also spiritually too. So thankful for our God who loves us completely right where we are, truly understanding us like no other ever can or will.

March 11, 2024 at 11:41 AM

Have a lovely week in Maine, Jane! Guess you won’t be going for a dip in the Atlantic this trip! lol. Anyway, enjoy the solace and many blessings coming your way.

March 11, 2024 at 08:07 AM

Amen. :)

March 11, 2024 at 07:52 AM

Kathleen, I love the honesty and openness in your reflection

Kathleen Swartz McQuaig
March 11, 2024 at 10:44 PM

Thanks, Bob. It's helped me when others have dared to share their less than perfect journeys with me, too. We're in this together. His grace.

March 11, 2024 at 07:28 AM

Lord please hear our prayers and bring your light to all those suffering in the Middle East, Ukraine, Russia, the Sudan, and all those suffering around the world - also for their strength, courage and resilience to continue walking in faith. Send them your light. Father in Heaven, have mercy on us and on the whole world! You sent Your Son, the Prince of Peace, for the salvation of the world. We pray that the Peace of Christ will reign in the Middle East, Ukraine, Russia and Sudan. Please protect and send aid to those in need and all who are at-risk. We pray for peace and rebuilding– we who are working towards it and for all those who are suffering or in danger from conflicts. We pray for an end to violence and war – we pray for wisdom for all leaders who have a hand in this. Lord God please help those in most need of thy mercy. Amen.

Bill S
March 12, 2024 at 01:19 AM

Guess we’re going to have to add Haiti to the growing list of countries dealing with conflict and war.

March 11, 2024 at 06:41 AM

Amen...I believe...powerful reflection Kathleen

Kathleen Swartz McQuaig
March 11, 2024 at 03:21 PM

Thanks, Cheryl. We learn together.

March 11, 2024 at 01:42 AM

Yes, Lord, I believe! Four simple words, Kathleen. But sometimes a struggle to put into practice.

Kathleen Swartz McQuaig
March 11, 2024 at 03:19 PM

Amen, Bill. A blessed day to you.

March 11, 2024 at 09:26 AM

You said what is exactly right “Do I put it in practice”. Do I hear God what he is asking of me? Do I live my life for Gods glory? What is God asking of you to believe? Do you trust him? From the words of Matthew Kelly “Be Bold Be Catholic”. May God bless us today and open our ears to hear and trust him.

Finding inner peace amongst calm and beauty. Generative AI. Image by Jonki |
Image of the day


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