Throughout a regular day, many advertisements remind me that I could have more stuff. I’m told that if I buy the latest gadget or fashion, then I will experience greater convenience and happiness. It’s easy to be lured by trends and then wonder if I have enough. Before I know it, I feel greedy. Greed erodes my trust in God; what I want and have may easily possess me with desires that don’t reflect Christ.
Fortunately, God’s promises are true and mightier than human weakness. When we rely on God alone, abundant mercy flows. By God’s grace, we each can be free from the power of possessions. The Good News is that God is ready to provide for our needs, allowing us to become rich in what matters most: loving relationships, peace and joy—goodness worth its cost.
Thank you Sister Julia. How true it is about “stuff”. I am well up in years and I realize my children don’t want my “stuff” and now I am unable to pack it up and move it. It has become a burden. I treasure God and love His words of truth and comfort. The true “stuff” that is my real treasure
My advice to young people is to not collect 'stuff'. Over the years I've bought two sets of collectables thinking they would be worth something later on. Not so. Now they sit and collect dust. Collecting the words of God are much more rewarding. Prayers for a beautiful Monday. Looks like the 90's are finally over here in the southwest.
Last week, I studied with the BSF students on John 4 about the Samaritan woman at the well. One of the activity was for them to draw one thing they want and why they want it. Each of them would come up front and showed their pictures and explained why they wanted them. Then I asked them this question, “How long do you think it (what they want) will last?” All had a time limit!!! So at the end, I asked them this question, “If you ask Jesus one thing that will last forever, what will that be?” They got it and said, “Eternal Life!” And that’s what Jesus was offering this Samaritan woman…eternal life from the only source of living water, Jesus Himself :-)
Hi Stormy, I will pray for your friend Judy in her battle with her cancer. St Peregrine, please intercede to Our Lord for her. Continuing prayers for all the LFF including Griffin, Bill L., Stephanie, Melanie, Carl, Marianne, Beth, Christine, Victoria, Terry, Danny, Betsy, Pam, Liz, Scoop, Vincent, Marko, aSinner, and all who’s needs are real, but haven’t been mentioned here. Prayers for all the innocent people in the Middle East, Ukraine and other parts of the world who are suffering because of the greed of their leaders
Thank you, Sr. Julia! You’re right, as adults we can just feel when we’re overdoing it on buying “stuff” and wanting more. My worry is for these little ones who grow up in this continuous consumption society. Some of my grandchildren are perfect examples of it and what’s more disturbing is the parents just feed into it. I pray that they will understand that they’re doing their children a great disservice and all I can do is pray for a breakthrough, no luck so far. Dear St. Therese, the Little Flower of Jesus and the Holy Face, please teach me how to become small, as Jesus asks of us.
Amen Amen Amen
Amen Sr. Julia. Don't we wish all these world leaders and terrorists would listen to these words and realize that power is in the love of others not violence! Blessings to all the LFF! May we all go out and spread the love of God to everyone we meet. Blessings to all those with special requests Griffin, Judy, Suzan, Bill L., Stephanie, Maryanne, Carl, Beth, Christine, Victoria, Terry Danny, Betsy, Pam, Liz, Scoop, Vincent, Salina and Jessi, Marco and anyone I missed or may hold needs in their heart quietly.
Amen. :)
Sr. Julia, I love this. I never feel as good as when I clean out my closet, recycle equipment / clothing or throw things away and DON’T replace them. May I have that spirit with me as we near advent and I can ready my house, body and soul! Amen. Continued prayers for Judy, MaryAnne, Carl, Stephanie, Griffin, Suzan, Danny, Betsy, Stormy, Bill L, Cheryl, Vincent, Salina, Jessi and Ken. And all who I forgot! Happy Monday LFF.
Copying the prayer Anne posted a few days ago. O Lord, we cry out for your mercy to be with all those being held captive in Israel - The elderly, the families with their children, and the young people. Cover them Lord with your blanket of protection and in your wondrous mercy set them free. We pray also for those who are the innocent victims of war. We pray for those on both sides of the conflict that they will see the futility of their actions in solving ancient and recent disputes. Finally Lord, we pray for an end to all wars and for peace to reign in the land. For the sake of His sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world. Amen
Lord, please hear our continued prayers for those in the Ukraine and the Middle East and all those suffering around the world - also for their strength, courage and resilience to continue walking in faith. Father in Heaven, have mercy on us and on the whole world! You sent Your Son, the Prince of Peace, for the salvation of the world. We pray that the Peace of Christ will reign in the Middle East, Ukraine, Russia, Afghanistan and Sudan. Please protect and send aid to those in need and all who are at-risk. We pray for peace and rebuilding– we who are working towards it and for all those who are suffering or in danger from conflicts. We pray for an end to violence and war – we pray for wisdom for all leaders who have a hand in this. Lord God please help those in most need of thy mercy. Amen.
Good morning LFF...thank you Sr. Julia...I have been trying to live life by your is the most peaceful and liberating feeling to let go of material things, give to the needy and only trust in the is a work in progress...prayers go out to the world today true..
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Please protect my finances and keep me humble and teach me to give of what I have I ask this in Jesus Name Amen Amen Amen